FORCE049 – SST & Glitch – New Being


Straylight Music Group - Stepping Forward Records / Published by: We Are Legion ASCAP / Distributed by: Straylight Music Group & Symphonic Distribution.

All that remains is the complexity of the future… it is the NEW BEING that shall rule!

SST and GLITCH’s NEW BEING is a message from the future. Borrowing some of the styling the pair had learned over the years while under the APPARATUS namesake, NEW BEING brings the technical prowess of that Neurofunk up to the times with the heavy beats and complex efx edits of today’s even more intricate styles.

The bassline controls the show this time out and it’s the backbone for the 2 stepping beats that pull along as it morphs and twists its way into your mind and body. Glitchy synths permeate the entire mix bringing even more movement and density into the picture.

New Being is a strong showing as their 2nd release on FORCE!